Maintenance cost of an Electric Unicycle
How much does it cost to maintain and ride your Electric Unicycle. A guide to learn what to look for
How much does it cost to maintain and ride your Electric Unicycle? A guide to learn what to look for and what to avoid.
Tyre cost and when to change it
If everything goes smoothly for you, this will be the most expensive cost for your EUC (which is quite cheap!). You will change your tyre every 5,000 to 8,000 km (depending on how you ride and where you ride). The cost is quite reasonable (and there is only one to change!)
Tube cost and when to change it
Tubes are quite cheap, and most likely you will only change them if you have a puncture. It's always a good idea to have a spare one just in case, this will avoid having to wait for the parcel to arrive to fix the wheel (no down time)
Spare parts when breaking them
You will eventually break some parts of the wheel (e.g. plastic shell or pedals). The spare parts are usually not cheap, but you can sometime find second-hand ones from online shops.
Additional charger
It is very likely you want to buy another charger so that you can keep one at home and one in your office for example. There is usually no maintenance on them. Best is to have a spare one, this would cost you less than actually repairing one!
Servicing the wheel
The is more real recommendation to get your wheel serviced unless there is an issue with it. Despite having a lot of electrical parts and bots, as long as it works, don't try to fix it! If you need something to be fixed, then look for a professional shop to do it. The cost of maintenance will vary greatly based on the type of issue you have. For example changing the rim while cost you the rim and the cost of labour. Changing the motherboard, will certainly be more expensive.
Total maintenance cost (at 5,000km)
- Tyre: $90
- tube: $40
- extra charger: $200 (optional)